Monday, January 14, 2008

notes to self

1) God's expectations are not always my expectations. His ways are higher than mine.

2) stop spending all your time watching the office, arrested development and playing scrabulous on facebook

3) get into scripture. get fed. eat with God.

4) loneliness is universal. stop feeling like you're the only one.

5) stop trying to control your destiny.

6) boys are stupid. stop thinking about them. stop overanalyzing.

7) stay informed about kenya and other things on around the globe.

8) make sure you call your friends this week.

9) value your family

10) remember that no matter how much you fail, you are always a daughter of God- precious and valued in HIS sight.

Friday, January 11, 2008

another family affair?

I have tried my best to stray away from having political arguments with members of my family, as I enjoy building unity rather than trying to project my rightness over anyone.

And really, the things I believe in (the causes) are not purely political. And I'm sick of parties having claims over them. And while I want to vote in someone who projects these values, they still could be Democrat or Republican. Sadly, many republicans regard these values as leftist.

fighting poverty
environmental care
human rights
ending world hunger
providing educational opportunities for everyone
providing vocational training

yes, the evils of liberalism.

truth is, neither party fights for truth as much as they try to lead on.

so who will i vote for in 2008?

preferably someone who stands by these issues, and ALSO is against abortion. and against the war in Iraq. and won't give the government more legitimacy to red tape everything.

who fits into this ideal candidate?

no one.

i'm sick of politics and sick of pointless family debates.