Thursday, April 20, 2006

"But I am a Christian today because there is something so foolish, so absurd, so topsy-turvy about the Christian Gospel that it gets under my skin. It has the ring of truth about it. No one can say that this was some pious invention, for it ran counter to all notions of piety. And nothing was gained by it."

"And if the Gospel message is foolishness, it can only be conveyed by people who are willing to turn their backs on the American dream, and become fools in the eyes of the world."

"Truth is not only embodied in a community of reconciliation, but truth is embodied in a community that refuses to use power to force its claims on others; but instead to identify with the powerless in the world. "

"My friends, the Gospel is not only true, it is powerful, and it is beautiful. Indeed, truth is beautiful. And there is a strange beauty in the cross. The world needs to see that strange beauty, which generates a new way of being human."

This article really hits a lot of things on target.


Also, I became a deviant.
Please leave any critique you may have.

Listen to Sufjan Stevens, "Come on, feel the Illinoise!"

All be well,

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