Thursday, March 08, 2007

What a perfectly lazy day. I slept in. I read some. I ate food. I love spring break.

Yesterday was my birthday. Sometimes I hate how much I love my own birthday. How narcissistic, right. However, I don't feel that way anymore. I feel as though this year, this very year marks a sort of rebirth in my life. Through Christ's bountiful grace, I have been learning. Learning to overcome vices, attitudes and attachments which have ruled over my life. I feel free to strike them down through the power given to me in Christ alone. I am discovering what my gifts are and exploring ways to use them. I am finally in a major that makes me not feel that inferior complex. I have no idea where I am going, but I have some distinct passions which make me excited. No matter where I end up it is where I'll be. The wind blows as it pleases.

I am learning not to take things at surface value and delve into them further. For example, these few years in school, for the most part without knowing, I have been learning reformed theology. I have loved it, and it's reawakened me to a central aspect of the gospel, grace. However, I realized that it's been what's mostly in the environment I have to chosen to be in. I am not beginning to research what it means to be a Calvinist and if I actually subscribe to this. My feeling right now says, in part, but I also will not make an idol of an ideology. Emergent theology also captivates my attention. Also, I feel in my theology explorations I should not leave out my charistmatic roots. Although this could be the most criticized part of the church, and certainly what I have been most jaded by, the church should not operate by head, but the Spirit overflowing the place where 2 or more gather. I have been largely ignoring for the past time. I feel though, if I ignore it any further, part of me will die.

Back to my lazy day, I have been spending a lot of time reading blogs about theology. I also arranged some flowers I recieved for my birthday in a potted plant my parents sent me. I recovered from my late night out, which actually did not involve a hangover. My roommate and I are probably going to bake cookies. I have been listening to Explosions in the Sky.

Also I came across a most interesting article about identity theft

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