Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It seems like everyone a year ahead of me is about to be hitched. One of my good friends since freshman year is pregnant. (She's already married and my age). I have a number of friends my age talking about marriage (who aren't engaged).

I don't like to think about my future, but I'm a girl. So in reaction, I've set a few goals. I hope to keep them. But these can be bent. God might say no. People intricately involved in my life might say no. But for now, I like these goals.

1) Not get married until I am at least 25. And if I'm still single by the time I'm 35, that's fine and well. I know it'll happen eventually.

2) Not have a big wedding...or any wedding at all. Eloping sounds entirely good. Maybe grab a minister and run to a scenic part of the woods? People place too much emphasis on weddings. So much money is spent. So much time. So much energy. It always places more stress than needed. I don't want to be a bridezilla. Plus, I can imagine all the estrogen in the room that day and it scares me. Perky, planning Bridesmaids, worrying but perky mother, relatives, and i imagine stacks of other girls helping. It all just seems too much. Picturing it in my head, it always turns out catastrophic.

3) Not have a diamond on my ring finger. They're expensive, showy, and are often blood diamonds, exploiting third world countries in Africa. I'd rather have a cheaper more personal token of some dude's affection.

4) Not get pregnant, ever. Ok, this is obviously in the hands of God, so even if my husband and I have the safest sex ever we could have a baby. Maybe I could get sterilized. It's just that the thought of having a baby inside of me, kicking me, making me sick for 9 months and then get pushed out through a hole, makes me ill, literally ill. Especially if I have a c-section. I could NOT STAND to have my belly cut open. sick, sick, sick. I would much rather adopt. This world is already overpopulated as it is. There are children starving everywhere. Why not take a few of them in and love them as my own?

5) not live in the suburbs, ever, again

I am so glad I do not have to seriously think about these things for a LONG time. But for now, this seems good.

note: I do respect you if you marry young no matter what. I think it's an amazing thing to happen. I don't look down on people having weddings or having pretty rings, but it just isn't me. I don't want to do it. And I have a high, high respect for those who are pregnant. Very high. Extremely.

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