Tuesday, April 29, 2008

things i think about

-Will there ever be a point in my life where I ever feel like I belong? Is there a place, a community on this globe I'm meant to be?

- Am I ever capable of living up to my own ideals? When is the point where living my ideals is a realistic venture and not a far-off dream?

- When will I stop wandering and feel settled? Where is my place of contentment if such a place exists in this life?

- Would finding my significant other actually complete me? I'm sure I'll find something to be discontent about, probably dealing with his weaknesses.

-How much is up to God and how much is my own choice? Will I ever hear a clear word from God about where I'm going?

-If I know I can find true joy in God, then why don't I spend more time enjoying his presence? Do I actually like/indulge in despair?

- How can I enjoy God's presence in a period of stormy weather? How can I enjoy him when I so easily distracted by so many frivolous things?


Anonymous said...

-no one is capable of living up to their ideals. Jesus said "Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The labor I think he is speaking of is that labor of living up to his ideals (which yours are probably based on.) Try, but when you can't live up to those ideals realize the grace Jesus provides you.
-it is unlikely finding a significant other will complete you. you can complete yourself.
-God gives you the choice to choose to believe him or not.

that girl said...

haha. yeah i know that. but i forget it too often.
thanks, anon.