Wednesday, September 06, 2006

dating and subculture

I feel like, maybe the past year and a half, I've put myself in a rut. This is by liking the same kid on and off, and doing absolutely nothing about it. Well, I'm not sure if I'm so interested in this kid anymore. I'm kinda tired of liking him. Like I'm just getting myself into the same pattern over and over again. However, tonight I realized something while I was cooking vegan linguine- I don't want to be "asexual" anymore. When I like a dude, I want to ACT on it. And also, this is a big one- I don't want to push away guys just because they aren't christians. I've been doing that, forever. Ultimately, I know the best idea for a long term relationship is to have someone who claims the same best friend. Yet, I feel like I'm limiting myself by not putting myself out there and not dating.

It's a popular thing in the christian circles to be passive or asexual about relationships. It's also popular in the christian circles to consider every christian kid of the opposite sex as an option. I don't want to be either of those sorta girls anymore. I want to date guys, of all kinds, to see what kind of guy I really do like. Cause, really, I have no clue what I want. And really, I find myself most attracted to guys I am not "supposed" to be attracted to. And after wondering why, I realized that there's nothing wrong with that, and I can put myself out there. I don't need to run away from guys, or sit around passively "waiting" for my prince charming to come. It's not what happens. But too much christian literature(aka lady in waiting, and any josh harris book) tells me it does.

so you know what? this semester, i will kiss dating hello.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i may not be the best for this sort of advise but...Travis is NOT a christian...he's seen too much of the "bad" christian subculture to be one and he also absolutely loves evolution. your own faith can only be weakened by those around you if you let it...what i personally beleive has only been strengthened by my experiences with travis...this of course to the outside world looks like still not completely sure what i believe but the hints that i was getting once i came to college was that is something wrong with christianity took seeing the wonderfulness, the kindness, the understanding, the acceptance, the willingness to help others that i found in copious amounts in travis but not so much elsewhere to help me realize that staying within the christian subculture is the wrong way to go...

but that will always be your final decision