Friday, May 19, 2006

I got into another argument with my dad about my post, a few back, well the only controversial post I got up.

It really steams me up how my opinion is misconstrued and misinterpreted.

I feel like, it is our calling to LOVE EVERYONE. Telling extreme conservatives that the message their sending to homosexuals is not one that reflects the Gospel, does not mean I am some liberal elitist who hates conservatives. I still consider many of my beliefs to be conservative. In fact, I dare to say, that my post really had no political agenda to it at all.

The heart of it, is that we ALL deserve God's wrath, and that we are all subject to his grace. Cookie-cutter christians who just follow the rules and do what they can to get pet on the head are subject to God's grace. Prostitutes who live lowly lives on the streets, just trying to get by, are subject to God's grace. Slightly pretentious, picky, self-indulgent college kids who always want to be right are subject to God's grace (that'd be me). Homosexuals, whether they acknowledge their sin or not, are subject to God's grace. And I mean, aren't we all wreaked in sin we don't acknowledge? Who am I to say that I am completely aware of every sin I am involved in.

Yes, part of your relationship with God is to repent and ask God for forgiveness, so that God will change your ways. (note, that it's God, not judgmental human beings). But you also got to consider how even when you repent, you always go back, and so you are always needing God. We are wretched people, who will never run out of room for God's acceptance. The more and more we grow in him, the bigger our sin is. The point is that we don't focus on the sin of others. We must focus on our own. Yes, we are called to teach and rebuke. But when we do this, it needs to be out of love, not out of self-motivation. And by the way, I am talking a LOT to myself. We are called to teach and rebuke with respect (2 Timothy anyone?) but not with condemnation.

I don't know what to believe politically. I really don't think faith and politics should mix. I don't think we should compare our times with past times. I think we should fight for social justice, because we are called to by the scripture. I think we should fight for our rights as humans. I think lobbying laws dismissing the toleration of homosexuality is ridiculous. I don't know how I feel about gay marriage. I don't know how I will down the road when I have children. I do know that marriage is a godly covenant, but then again, we live in a society in which it most commonly isn't anymore. It might be by ceremonial deed, but not by the way people live through their marriages after the saying of their vows. I don't know if I support gay marriage or not, I know I at least support civil unions. I know am pro-life. But that does not just regard the matter of abortion. It regards the matter of the human living condition. We are to feed and clothe the hungry, not stomp on their toes, pushing them further down the ladder.

I don't think I am ascribing to any socialist system when I am saying this. We can feed the poor through missional journeys outside our comfort level. To go outside our culture to work for people who need our love and care is one of the most beautiful things I can think of. To give money to charities and missions established all over the world is important. The problem with socialism, is that I don't necessarily trust the government to handle our money. Governments through history, even the best, have proven to be corrupt. I think passing more laws to get people fed is a good thing, but by no means am I for a completely socialistic system.

Liberal or conservative, I don't feel I need to pick. People push you to choose one side. I don't think they're any objective right and wrongs on either side. I think politics are pretty grey. I don't want to bust people on their politics, I just don't want to see people using their politics to drive people out of faith.

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